'Fashion Tutorial: Arc & Tuck Fashion Pose Dior Digital Fashion Illustration with Procreate App & Auryn Ink Grab your iPads and apple pencils, or whatever you are using these days, and let\'s draw one of the hardest fashion poses... the arc and tuck! This fashion tutorial is inspired by one of Christian Dior\'s gowns and poses. The beauty of digital illustration is that you can take it into another software and color it. In this video you will see me struggle over the position of the model\'s arm as well as the curvature of her back. So don\'t feel bad if you don\'t get this one the first time. This is my second time drawing this piece and I still struggle. Procreate app and Auryn ink are great apps for fashion illustrators! MUSIC CREDITS-Elaine Biss. Thank you so much for watching my video! If you want to see more videos like this one, be a HAUTIE & give that \"like\" button a click, comment and subscribe! VISIT MY SITE! Elaine Biss Fashion Illustrator & Events http://www.elainebiss.com My Merch- https://www.Crated.com/elainebiss More merch- https://www.society6.com/elainebiss GET MY BOOK! La Vie a Paris http://amzn.to/2fEDSY4 Follow me on Social Media! https://www.twitter.com/elainebiss https://www.facebook.com/elainebissillustrator https://www.pinterest.com/elainebiss/ https://www.instagram.com/elaine.biss https://vine.co/u/958839276022452224 https://www.soundcloud.com/elainebiss http://www.snapchat.com/Elaine.biss EMAIL- Elaine@elainebiss.com SNAIL MAIL- P.O.Box 256 Bausman, PA 17504 © Copyright 2007-2017 Elaine Biss. All rights reserved.'
Tags: fashion illustration , fashion tutorial , iPad , digital illustration , apple pencil , apps for fashion illustration , apps for fashion illustrators , elaine biss fashion illustrator , fashion pose , christian dior gown , arc and tuck
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