'Over the course of her long and illustrious career, Karlie Kloss has racked up a considerable amount of notable firsts and milestones, and she reminisces about these momentous events in a game of \"First & Last\"! She shares with us such memories as her first ever runway show at the tender age of 15, the first time she ever watched \"Project Runway\" (which she is now hosting), and her first celebrity crush, as well as the last time she cried, the last time she ballet danced, and much more! Make sure to Subscribe!!!! YH Tour: https://younghollywood.com/tours/ YH Gear: http://www.younghollywoodstore.com YH Social: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/younghollywood Twitter: https://twitter.com/younghollywood Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/younghollywood Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/younghollywood Tik Tok: @younghollywood YH Channels: Celebrity Interviews :http://www.younghollywood.com/ Original Shows :http://younghollywoodtv.com/ Music: http://ampd-up.com/ Fashion: http://insidethelook.com/ Food:http://yhfoodfeed.com/ Sports: http://beyondtheathletetv.com/ Social Stars: http://thesocialstream.com/ Gaming: http://thecodeword.com/ Fandoms: http://fangirllife.com/ Teens and Tweens: http://youngerhollywood.com/'
Tags: Project Runway , ballet , Lifestyle , fashion industry , modeling , models , 2019 , heidi klum , pop culture , Celebrity , celebrities , hollywood , Interviews , game , interview , videos , dating , karlie kloss , supermodel , HOST , victoria's secret angel , celebrity crush , bravo , Season 17 , Heath Ledger , Personalities , First and Last , dating advice , young hollywood , YH Studio , lasts , ballet dancing , project runway season 17 , Firsts , young hollywood studio , tracy behr
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