'HELLO EVERYONE WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL ! Hi guys its Mia & Miaya and today\'s video will be a Fashion Nova Try-On Haul. We really hope you guys enjoy this video as well as the clothes and Fashion Nova as much as we do! We\'ve been wearing Fashion Nova for about 2 years now and we really LOOVEEE their clothing pieces. Subscribe to stay updated for new videos! Watch in HD 1080p and \"THUMBS UP\" for more tutorials. #FashionNova #Haul #PittsTwins *Comment PT if you guys enjoyed this video and would like to see more! Fashion Nova Discount Code: \"XOPTWINS\" 15% OFF Website: www.fashionnova.com IG: Fashion Nova I T E M S M E N T I O N E D Voyage Jacket / SIZE: SMALL - http://bit.ly/2cYesco Tied Up In My Trap Set - Navy Multi / SIZE: SMALL - http://bit.ly/2cwENwB On The Road Tee- Olive / SIZE: SMALL - http://bit.ly/2didzLe Beach Bum Jeans - Light Blue / SIZE: 1 - http://bit.ly/2dic5R0 Now or Never Moto Jeans - Renegade / SIZE: 3 - http://bit.ly/2cUlQCs Kristen Flannel Top - Navy/White / SIZE: EXTRA SMALL - http://bit.ly/2cUlqfp Dance With Me Jumpsuit - Olive / SIZE: SMALL - http://bit.ly/2cYen8v On His Mind Jeans - Dark / SIZE: 1 - http://bit.ly/2dkjdrU *currently SOLD OUT C O U P O N C O D E S PYT HAIR: Use code Pittstwins for 65% off your entire order http://pythair.com/?aff=49 EBATES: SIGN UP AND GET CASH BACK FOR SHOPPING ONLINE! IT\'S FREE TO SIGN UP CLICK THE LINK http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=O3PiKjkKZVoJZmb0STWs0A%3D%3D&eeid=28187 C O N N E C T W I TH U S Twitter: @MsMiayaP Twitter: @MsMiaP_ SC: Miayaap SC: Mia_Pitts Insagram: @PITTSTWINS Facebook: @PITTSTWINS For Business Inquires, Sponsorship, Branding & Collaborations contact us Thepittstwins@gmail.com'
Tags: ootd , outfits , fashion nova , fashion nova haul , fashion nova try on haul , fashion nova fall haul , back to school , Fall 2016 , lookbook , outfit ideas , ootw , fall lookbook , denim , fall clothing haul , fall outfits , fall try on haul , glamtwinz , autumn try on haul , pitts twins , pittstwins , fashion nova lookbook , Inexpensive Clothing , Glamazontay , amber martin , slim thick try on haul , HUGE Try On Fashion Nova , College Try On , Fall/Autumn Lookbook , Fashion Nova Fall Try On Clothing Haul
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