'Jerome Shaw \"Give Yourself A Mission\" - Bet 2019 -Fashion Icon Legend Already Made - Quick Game -'

'Jerome Shaw \"Give Yourself A Mission\" - Bet 2019 -Fashion Icon Legend Already Made - Quick Game -'
05:48 Nov 5, 2021
'#LegendAlreadyMade #WalkAwaySmilin #EattySitautions  https://cash.app/$walkawaysmilin  Thank you for liking, sharing and sub !!  Legend Already Made https://www.instagram.com/legend_already_made/  walkawaysmilin https://www.instagram.com/walkawaysmilin/  Jerome Shaw https://www.instagram.com/jromeshaw/  Jerome Shaw https://anchor.fm/jshaw/episodes/The-Palest-Ink-e23qfq  Legend Already Made https://www.instagram.com/legend_already_made/  walkawaysmilin https://www.instagram.com/walkawaysmilin/  [Laughter] and I think that it\'s the true stars truly though inside unless your lecture Laughter do trademark college was dope yeah but tell them how it is not living in their lives and pursue your dreams are making it happen and manifesting wow that\'s a really good question how it is being here in Los Angeles you know it\'s it\'s not at all as daunting as I made it seem as I thought it was literally being here it\'s like what was I afraid of like why didn\'t I take that leap like you said Jade like why didn\'t I do this sooner you know it\'s like Martin Luther King said faith is taking that step even when you don\'t see the whole staircase and you taught me that faith is following all in thy heart and so I feel like I\'m on this journey now and that\'s what I\'m doing I\'m following all in my heart you know I\'m following a higher power a higher purpose and I really do feel like I\'m called to be here that there is a reason why I\'m here and that if I be patient and keep going at the same time that I will continue to figure out why I am here you know but I don\'t think people don\'t take that leap of faith and what holds them back fear you know fear we can say fear as many things right like you say once again you know failure expected and received yeah you know false evidence appearing real either we can forget everything and run or face everything and rise so fear definitely stops a lot of people from a lot of things and at the root of everything I think you can take everything like treat and they will all come to either fear and love everything stems from fear or it stems from love I learned that from an Erykah Badu song and I ain\'t even know I was gonna learn that so she shout out to Erykah Badu putting people on game but yes I think that people don\'t take that leap of faith because they\'re afraid that they\'re gonna fall they\'re afraid they\'re gonna fall and not get back up but just like if it works here it works anywhere you know the the reason why I love rollerskating is because I push myself past a threshold I push myself past a boiling point or you could call it like a turning point to where now I\'m free once I lost my fear of falling I had fallen so many times that I lost the fear of it and then I was free and now everybody it wonders they sit back and they wonder like how are you able to do those things it\'s because I stopped fearing the fall I realized that if it was gonna happen it was gonna happen and there was nothing I could do to stop it and that that\'s why I thrive it\'s like Michael Jordan what I failed I failed I failed again and that is why I succeed so man don\'t stop don\'t stop yourself from becoming yourself allow yourself give yourself permission to go for your dreams give yourself permission allow yourself to do that for you and no one else can do it for you you know your dream is not going to to manifest itself unless you take action that\'s what we talk about attraction right take action and just know that you know this life the life that you want for you the life that you feel like other people have you can have it too but the thing is a lot of us we mistakenly believe and convince ourselves that the life that we want is not possible for us we think it\'s possible for other people the people that we watch and we view and we live vicariously through their eyes through their world a lot of times we can get caught up in the worm holes and the rabbit holes online and we can see social media where we can get lost in other people\'s lives and forget to live our own so my advice would be to live your life continue continue to strive don\'t just try I\'ve removed the word tri from my vocabulary now instead of saying try I strive you know people say like how you doing at a man I\'m trying no no longer I say trying it\'s do or do not you know I\'m striving I\'m thriving I\'m arriving today I was on a hike and I was walking to one of my favorite meditation spots and I started to say I started to say abundance is coming prosperity is coming wealth is coming but you know what I stopped myself and I said no no no no abundance has arrived wealth is here prosperity is here now so think of time as really relative everything that you want to manifest realize that it\'s already manifested the moment you make that decision it\'s already here now you know what I mean so it\'s not like you\'re waiting for these things to come whatever you\'re seeking is also seeking you it\'s looking for you to if you\'re looking for it it\'s looking for you you' 

Tags: love , Doc Martens , joy , fashion icon , Nipsey Hussle , top hat , GOD IS GOOD , wayne dyer , Les Brown , Willy Wonka , how to be your best self , fashion artist , Things to do in la , gh4 , alec monopoly , monopoly man , walkawaysmilin , black film maker , how to stay focus , bet experience , sigma art lens 18-35mm , how to start a podcast , motivaional speech , sun set blvd , how to have influence , how to think and grow rich , Quick Game -Jerome Shaw - Bet 2019 - Legend Already Made

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