'There are hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of different laces out there and I couldn\'t possibly teach them all to you in one video. This video is all about getting you started with rendering lace--what to watch out for, how to pick the best medium for the job, a few other tips and tricks. RELATED LINKS: Making Your Fashion Figures 3D With Shadows: https://youtu.be/JulbcfLAy08 Fashion Illustration Tutorial: Sheer Fabrics https://youtu.be/J4io30FtTuo Fashion Illustration Tutorial: Print Fabrics https://youtu.be/pGI_OMj2Kqg Fashion Illustration Tutorial: Sequins Part 2 (the one in which I use gouache) https://youtu.be/qiQlJK-NBGQ Playlist of all my videos on different media and materials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQq1-SdsNvZWU2Wr5KR0Xk9po1b-nACS Playlist of all my videos on illustrating specific fabrics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQq1-SdsNva3Vnrnwzpz8CXReOEyUwJb *** Come find me at https://zoehong.com/ Need help? I sell fashion figure templates, flats templates, tech pack templates and a lot more in my shop here: https://shop.zoehong.com/ https://www.instagram.com/zoehong/ https://www.pinterest.com/zoehong/ https://twitter.com/zoehong https://www.facebook.com/groups/920367461450543/ Come join our group, make friends, network with likeminded creatives! CONTACT: teaching@zoehong.com'
Tags: fashion , how to , fashion design , painting , paint , tutorial , womenswear , menswear , pencil , art , animation , fashion illustration , texture , render , fabric , fashion illustration tutorial , Anime , Zoe Hong , lace , technique , illustration , drawing , markers , colored pencil , Mesh , illustrate , gouache , watercolour , kidsfashion , coloured pencil , art reference , chantilly , guipure
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