'Hello everyone CROMA 2018- FASHION SHOW EXHIBITION HELD AT SWABHUMI. The theme was focused on \' TEXTILE OF INDIA\'. Me and my friends had to go on self - discovery journey to allow me and my friends to reflect on designs. So it was almost like watching 10 to 12 shows in a row, each with different backdrops, lighting , creativity and music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fashion Themes Names ----------------------------------------- Rosarium ( Tiger rose ) Essence of nature Mystic vision ( Thangka mandalas Painting) Tokri . Com ( weaving) Palanquin ( palki ) Sufism ( full flare circular ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #fashionshowthemes #fashionshowthemesandideas #fashionthemesnamesandinspiration #fashion -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tags: fashion show , fashion illustration , fashion show themes , fashion show themes and ideas , priyanka Pandey fashion ILLUSTRATION , priyanka Pandey fashion designer , priyanka Pandey , fashion show themes ideas , fashion knowledge , fashion show themes 2020 , fashion show themes for ladies , fashion show themes for women , fashion show themes for kids , fashion show themes for school , fashion show themes for college , pinki , fashion Knowledge priyanka Pandey
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