'We are happy to have Krystal Garner\'s support for our upcoming event Fashion Playground on August 11th 2012 1pm. FPG is for all of whom believe in the power of design to drive confidence and inspire. On August 11 we will be providing photo shoots for the youth, while raising funds for S.E.A., which is founded by Mea Boykins and A Stair Way to Hope. Find out more about Krystal www.KrystalGarner.com -- Instagram + Twitter + Facebook -- @MsKGxo Buy your tickets for FPG by going to www.fashionpg.com Also visit www.astairwaytohope.org and www.sea-of-love.org Want to get involved? contact the event producer, Gregory St. Fort by emailing greg@fashionpg.com'
Tags: photo shoot , model , event , vocab , npo , fashion playground , gregory stfort , Vocab Magazine , tecknolag , S.E.A. , mea boykins , a stairway to hope , krystal garner , fashionpg , commercial print
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