'FPG Hosted by A Stairway to Hope and S.E.A. Inspiring the youth through fashion. We were happy to raise funds for the two nonprofits that hosted the event. As you can see all the kids had a blast! Performance by Yani - http://www.youtube.com/user/YaNiMeansPeace Twitter @FashionPlayG Facebook.com/FashionPG www.fashionpg.com A Stairway to Hope - Shawn Headley (www.astairwaytohope.org) S.E.A. - Mea Boykins (www.sea-of-love.org) Event Producer Gregory St. Fort (www.gregorystfort.com) Sponsors included MTV, Brooklyn Big Studio, Vocab Magazine, Top Notch Trend, and many more Designers included Blk.id, E.R.O.S. Fashion, Rated Real Clothing, and more. If you are a designer and want to be apart of FPG II click here a http://eepurl.com/nskr1'
Tags: fashion , photo shoot , fashion playground , gregory stfort , gregory st. fort , brooklyn event , brooklyn big
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