'Gujarat specialised in the art of Ablawork stitches, thread, shapes and colour makes one embroidery looks apart from the other.. The whims and moods of gujrat life make for interesting theme by INIFD Vapi student KHUSHBU JOSHI . . Call : 8980830000 & https://www.facebook.com/inifdvapi/ https://www.instagram.com/inifdvapi/ https://plus.google.com/u/1/+INIFDVapi'
Tags: fashion , India , Fashionshow , Gujarat , INIFD , AdmissionsOpen , fashiondesigning , daman , INIFDVapi , Vapi , GARVI GUJARAT , myinifd , inifdproud , proudvapistudents , searockinn , Southgujarat
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