'Bit quicker than normal but here are the locations they drop on for now: Saryn Prime BP T3 Ext Saryn Prime Helmet T1 MD Saryn Prime Systems T2 ext Saryn Prime Chassis T3 Survival rot C Nikana Prime Hilt T3 Capture Nikana Prime BP T3 exterminate Nikana Prime Blade T2 survival rot C Spira Prime BP T4 MD Spira Prime Blade T3 MD Spira Prime Pouch T3 capture intro/outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)'
Tags: update , free , News , PS4 , warframe , lotus , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation , xbox one , xbox , mods , Saryn Prime , Warframe Gameplay , tenno , Digital Extremes , orokin , Warframe (Video Game) , Forma , Hotfix , Wickedfun , original wickedfun , Jecht , Nikana Prime , Spira Prime , orokin void , The Grustrag Three , drop locations , sary prime drop location , nikana prime drop location , spira prime drop location
See also: