'Far Cry 4 Fashion Week challenge. Aren\'t rhinos endangered species? Not in Kyrat. Secure the skin of Karkadann the rare rhino for Mr.Chiffon\'s most expensive handbag in all history. Must use Shotgun. Rewards: K$ 22,500, XP 400. Use rhino skin to craft Heavy Ammo Bag 4/4 last upgrade. Far Cry 4 gameplay at the game difficulty: HARD. Have a nice game! Far Cry 4 walkthrough. Far Cry 4 gameplay. FC4 walkthrough. FC4 gameplay. Far Cry 4 tips and tricks. Far Cry 4 tutorial. Have a nice game! I am Alex68, my channel gaming and fun alex68acmp: http://goo.gl/zCIqIL Watch more Far Cry 4 tips, tutorials and fun: http://goo.gl/V2gWg5'
Tags: karkadann , far cry 4 fashion week , FC4 Fashion Week , Heavy Ammo Bag Crafting , craft Heavy Ammo Bag 4/4 , alex68 , alex68acmp
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