'Backing track in a Joy Division style. C major A minor I\'m a muti-instrumentalist and music instructor / teacher and composer / producer in central CT who specializes in guitar, piano, bass, keyboards, mandolin, banjo, ukelele , guitarlele among other things.'
Tags: new , style , instructors , fun , best , Easy , all , simple , in , Music , Guitar , piano , tracks , lesson , lessons , Play , educational , wave , Shred , quality , awesome , track , diaz , jazz , teacher , along , high , sax , blues , Bass , MAJOR , advanced , punk , rock , instruction , jammer , solo , industries , improv , ct , any , jam , Keyboard , violin , teachers , instruments , backing , styled , AM , ED , scales , Improvisation , banjo , trumpet , flute , saxophone , instructor , Dorian , modes , backing track , Viola , Modal , mandolin , Playalong , Scale Training , clearlight , Soloing
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