'HOW TO BE SUSTAINABLE FASHION BRAND, DESIGNER (WAYS TO MAKE FASHION SUSTAINABLE) #sustainablefashion#ecofashion#sustainabilty Today is about sustainable fashion topic that is very important to me and that became part of my fashion brand, design, and approach. In my career, I have been head designer for mass production brands and that was an important part of my journey learning about good and bad things about the way industry actually works. I find this topic of sustainability important to share with you to show you the ways to be a great designer with sustainable awareness and approach. So let\'s talk about sustainable fashion or how they often call it eco-friendly fashion, environmentally-friendly fashion, or low environmental impact fashion actually for my Ph.D. I found around 85 definitions for this theme. My hope is that you will use this as a springboard for your own research, to go explore what sustainability options you can incorporate into your design. Be sure to subscribe! And of course, enjoy and learn! Come find me at https://www.anavasiljevic.com/fashion... Need help? https://www.instagram.com/fashionlink... https://www.facebook.com/fashionlinkn... https://www.facebook.com/AnaVasiljevi... Come join our group, make friends, network with like-minded creatives and learn! CONTACT: fashionlinknowclasses@gmail.com office@anavasiljevic.com'
Tags: fashion , sustainable fashion , zero waste , ethical fashion , eco fashion , sustainable fashion brands , organic fabric , recycled , ana vasiljevic , eco friendly fashion , green fashion , fashionlinknow , organic cotton , start a fashion brand , recycled fabrics , fashondesign , recycled fibers , zero harm textiles , zero waste cutting , zero waste patterns , how to be sustainbale fashion designer , how to be sustainable fashion brand , sutainable fashion design
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