'+ + + CLICK HERE FOR ALL INFO! + + + • Follow me on Instagram: @Imdrewscott • Check out my DIY & Home channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtwzsvzRCfPddq2gPlgKW1w E L S E W H E R E + Instagram : @imdrewscott + Blog : http://www.imdrewscott.com + Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/imdrewscott/ + Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/cardofmyeye + Twitter : https://twitter.com/imdrewscott + Snapchat: Imdrewscott M E N T I O N E D + C O N T A C T + Any questions, inquiries or collabs : DrewScottYT@gmail.com S U B S C R I B E + Subscribe to my channel here : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=drewdaone E Q U I P M E N T + Canon 5D Mark IV (Main Camera): http://bit.ly/2p9HhVG + Canon G7X (Vlog Camera): http://bit.ly/1jJiOkA + Sigma 35mm Lens: http://bit.ly/1NErT68 + Microphone: http://bit.ly/1LXMql1 + Memory Card (BEST): http://bit.ly/1Q9SNcz + Tripod: http://bit.ly/1RyMj6z M U S I C + T H A N K Y O U Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed. Leave any future video ideas you would like to see in the comments below!'
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