'Fashion and color trends for the 2019 Spring/Summer season'

'Fashion and color trends for the 2019 Spring/Summer season'
02:21 Jun 12
'Become acquainted with the new trendy collection of products from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand designed for the 2019 spring/summer season.  The Unbearable Lightness of Being  Every opportunity to relax is welcomed in our current hectic age. The waves of new fashion colours and shapes in costume jewelry semi-products which offer you new and infinite options for use often also lead to a feeling of nervousness, as to whether it is even possible to try and use them all. In order to assist you to make your own way through the jungle of fashion forecasts and the rapid design process for new shapes, PRECIOSA ORNELA supports the first-rate use of a classic and tried-and-tested seed bead range with added value by perfecting its production technology. The successful bead shapes have been given a new appearance thanks to new engravings and precise surface finishes.  Look for the effort to reassure, calm and ensure the ease of work and the use of tried-and-tested shapes, colour themes and artistic techniques in the four chosen themes of Poeticness, Playfulness, Contrast and Enchantment. Enjoy the playful and unfettered opportunities for combining classic shapes with a perfect appearance and precise surface finishes.  POETICNESS (Crafting Neutral) Colors:  alabaster smoke, plucked feathers, peanut shell, golden beige, cognac, forget-me-not, faded denim, silver hair, leaves  Text: Seek out the poetry of an ordinary spring day. Even though the remnants of the snow cover on the waterlogged slopes still shine white, cool rain wipes away the shades of the departing winter from the bare surfaces. The dark shades of blue clouds mix with the azure sky. The clear tones of ochre and reddish loam awaken. The striving spring summer rays poor down from the azure sky and dry out the upper reaches and awaken nature. Powdery mosses extend the first points of beauty, while the yellowish shades of dry grass are refreshed by silver drops of spring dew. New life shoots from the buds.  PLAYFULNESS (Layering Light) Colors: blueberry milkshake, blurred pink, rose orchid, delicate yellow, variegated yellow, camembert, a drop of blue, shaded green, foggy grey  Text: There has been a short shower in the night which has refreshed the air. A white fog is lying above the meadows. It is playing with the sun\'s rays. They dilute the watercolour pastels into almost unrecognisable shades of the most delicate pink and yellow with a hint of blue, while green shades are subdued by the early haze. The powdery foggy mist is brushed away by the first warming rays. The colours endeavour to reveal their virtues. The pink colour of the orchid, the bluish tones of the blueberry milkshake and variegated leaves dominate. The delicately greyish sky is the only reminder of the recent dawn.  CONTRAST (Raving Romance) Colors: cyclamen, foggy red, strong permanganate, cat\'s eye, silver pine, icy blue, ultramarine blue, deep blue, coal black  Text: Don\'t be surprised by the distinctive contrast between summer\'s natural romance and the cool of the night-time urban streets. The brightness of sparkling radiant suns like stars and unimaginably massive giants against the background of the deep steel to dark black of the infinite universe. Expect a colourful, infinitely diverse and non-homogenous mixture of blurred nebulae. Try a cocktail of the juicy warm reds, amethysts, opaque pinks and cold, icy blues and greenish tones of different widely dispersed gases.  ENCHANTMENT (Shaping Contrast) Colors: date, red lentil, asphalt, pansy, yellow cherry, raspberry, cornelian, walnut bark, work blue  Text: Crops are ripening and growing in the gardens, fields and orchards. Allow yourself to be tempted by the juicy shades of strawberries, cherries and blackcurrants and the unbelievably delicious and sweet apricots, peaches and yellow and blue plums. Be sure not to forget the warm tones of orange carrots, red lentils and sweet potatoes. The less common shades of the cultivated magic of purple potatoes and cauliflower may also surprise you. Look for softly warm natural shades among exotic sweets, dates, figs and raisins.' 

Tags: fashion , summer , Trends , 2019 , color , traditional , beads , czech , preciosa , ORNELA , sprng

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