'Exclusive Fashion Show By Dr. Sanjana Jon promoting her stance on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Beti Badhao, Beti Padao , Save The Girl, Child, kanya boon hathya\" initiative at the Stardust Global Icon Awards in New York. The Cause Supported By Pujya Swami Chidanand Swaraswati ji and Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati ji Bollywood Singer Mika Singh, Singer Iulia Vântur Best Models of New York. Articles at https://theunn.com/2017/07/sanjana-jon-to-promote-her-kanya-boon-hathya-movement-at-icon-awards/ http://www.newsindiatimes.com/sanjana-jon-to-promote-her-kanya-boon-hathya-movement-at-icon-awards https://vimeo.com/275723449 https://paranandcharitabletrust.com/ https://www.sanjanajon.org/fashion-for-a-cause/'
Tags: hollywood , bollywood , Narendra Modi , Paris-Fashion-Week , stardust-icon-award , Exclusive-Fashion-Show , Dr. Sanjana-Jon , Beti-Badhao , Beti-Padao , new-york-fashion-week , london-fasion-week , milan-fashion-week , lakme-fashion-week , india-international-fashion-week , wills-india-fashion-week , sanjana-jon , mika-singh-songs
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