'In episode 48, School of Hustle sits down with Garo Sparo, accomplished New York fashion and costume designer. Brought to you by GoDaddy. https://www.godaddy.com Garo Sparo is a designer that thinks outside the box. Based out of New York City, he specializes in designing unique looks that uplift, inspire and encourage each person to be proud of the skin they’re in. During his 20 years in the industry, Garo has created one-of-a-kind looks for A-List celebrities like Lizzo, Madonna and Nicki Minaj. He can also be seen competing in the finals of Project Runway’s 17th season. Garo Sparo hopes his designs continue to encourage people all over the world to express themselves through fashion by wearing who they are on the outside. Garo Sparo’s links: https://garosparo.com https://www.youtube.com/garosparo https://www.facebook.com/garosparoatelier https://www.instagram.com/garosparo GoDaddy links: https://www.youtube.com/user/godaddy https://www.facebook.com/godaddy https://www.instagram.com/godaddy https://twitter.com/godaddy As the company empowering everyday entrepreneurs around the world, GoDaddy gives you all the help and tools you need to grow online. #GoDaddy #SchoolofHustle #GaroSparo #SoH'
Tags: fashion , fashion designer , Project Runway , nyc , interview , entrepreneurship , New York , new york city , entrepreneur , costume designer , soh , entrepreneur motivation , entrepreneur ideas , Hustle , entrepreneur mindset , Go daddy , Godaddy , garo sparo , shannon truax , school of hustle , noodle time , hustle time , noodle the pug , wework times square , project runway finalists
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