Nov 12, 2023
'#womensconcealcarry #selfdefense #concealcarryfashion Why it’s important to carry and train. Also discussion on how to comfortably and fashionably carry. You can find Tactica Defense Fashion here: https://tacticafashion.com/ **************************************************************** Snail Mail: PO Box 3086 Silver City, NM 88062 email: littlebitsofheavenhomestead@gmail.com ****************************************************************** Affiliate Links and ways you can support our channel: You can find our favorite cookbook, Dining on a Dime here: https://bit.ly/2jcar3E You can find our favorite books on wool and fiber working and homestead skills, wool prep combs, spinning wheels, old fashioned soaps and natural body care products here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Dirtpatcheaven Looking for Heirloom seeds from a trusted source? You can find my favorite lady and friend, Mary, and her incredible seed line here at Mary’s Heirloom Seeds: https://bit.ly/2rxAYvX You can find homestead, garden and emergency preparedness items we recommend here at our Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-cc16e359 Quality rabbit cages and accessories...plus tons of delicious rabbit recipes here at my friend, The Hostile Hare http://bit.ly/2lq13KO'
Tags: #tacticadefensefashion #concealcarry #womenconcealcarry
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