'Gen Z teens share what they really think about ‘90s fashion and beauty trends. Are overalls and platform shoes making a certified comeback? What about tiny sunglasses and tiny backpacks? Blue eyeshadow and crimped hair? Parents remember these trends in their heyday, from dads wearing Doc Martens to moms maintaining (and currently recovering from) pencil-thin eyebrows. Teens, however, are not entirely impressed: “People in the \'90s really didn’t know fashion.” What do you think about these ‘90s trends? Let us know in the comments! Read the article here: https://www.parents.com/parenting/a-moms-quest-to-find-herself-while-avoiding-mom-jeans/ #Fashion #Teens #GenZ #Trends #90s #Parents 0:00 Introduction 0:10 Personal Style 1:25 Skinny Jeans 1:55 Overalls 2:19 \'90s Skater Fashion 2:43 Platform Shoes 3:18 Gelled Hair 4:02 Tiny Backpacks 4:21 Tiny Sunglasses 4:50 Blue Eyeshadow 5:06 Crimped Hair 5:17 Spider Lashes 5:31 Pencil Brows 5:45 Full Brows 5:54 Kylie Jenner Lips 6:17 Faux Freckles 6:30 Cut Crease Eyeshadow Subscribe to the Parents channel: http://po.st/SubscribeToParents About Parents: We’re here to help moms and dads raise happy, healthy kids—and have A LOT of fun along the way. Follow us today to become the best parent you can be! Official Parents Website: http://po.st/ParentsOnline Follow Parents on FACEBOOK: http://po.st/ParentsOnFacebook Follow Parents on TWITTER: http://po.st/ParentsOnTwitter Follow Parents on PINTEREST: http://po.st/ParentsOnPinterest Follow Parents on INSTAGRAM: http://po.st/ParentsOnInstagram Gen Z Teens Judge ‘90s Fashion Trends | Doc Martens, Overalls, Platform Shoes | Kidsplaining'
Tags: fashion , family , beauty , Trends , full , 90s , kids , pencil , teenagers , teens , brows , FASHION TRENDS , 90s fashion , Thin , parents , Eyebrows , Doc Martens , blue eyeshadow , kylie jenner lips , 90s trends , faux freckles , beauty trends , Lips , Platform Shoes , gen z , dr martens , Moms , parents magazine , parents.com , cut crease , Overalls , fake freckles , dads , skinny jeans , skater , crimped hair , hair gel , Generation Z , 90s beauty , tiny sunglasses , pencil brows , spider lashes , gelled hair , tiny backpacks
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