'Ash of War: Kick in Lightning Misericorde brings back the feelings of Dark Souls 3. Riposte with Dagger Talisman + Lightning Scorpion Charm does INSANE damage! Also, for those interested, here\'s a video using kick and Lightning Misericorde in PVE: https://youtu.be/JFhFUkKqK1k Is very fun to play. Please Subscribe for more PVP and Cosplays/Fashion Souls videos in Elden Ring! Thanks guys! #EldenRing #EldenringPVP #Invasions'
Tags: Best weapon , Dark Souls PvP , Dark souls 2 pvp , PS5Share , Dark Souls 3 PvP , elden ring , BloodBorne PVP , chasethebro , rivers of blood , elden ring best armor , elden ring pvp , best build elden ring , elden ring invasions , demon souls pvp , elden ring multiplayer , Moonveil , Iron Pineapple , best faith build , let me solo her , the wall elden ring , Maliketh , Zullie the Witch , best katana , best parry shield , Misericorde , Dagger Talisman , best dex weapon , Malenia Blade of Miquella
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