'Fashion Designer Charges “WAY TOO MUCH” to Her Boutiques | Dragons’ Den'

11:08 Sep 5, 2023
'Part-time office manager produces a confident pitch for her luxury, customised sandals, reporting sales of £37,000 in her first year of trading, now she seeks £75,000 in return for a 20% stake in her sandals for every occasion: one base with a selection of interchangeable uppers.   An international sensation, Dragon\'s Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity.  #DragonsDen #DevilishlyClever #JamesCaan' 

Tags: reality tv , entrepreneur , dragons den , dragons den uk , evan davis , deborah meaden , peter jones , touker suleyman , tej lalvani , business pitching , game show , shark tank , epic fails , best fails , Millionaire , millionaire mindset , mark cuban , door lock , funniest shark tank pitch | door lock demonstration , more money than peter jones , dragons den roles reversed , dragon pitches to entrepreneur , staged bidding war , dragons den james caan , SHARK TANK 2SHU , CONVERTIBLE SANDALS

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