'Coming with a new operator outfit and an armor set for the kavat (aswell as everything you need to breed a kavat, if you dont have one) this is possibly one of the best prime accessories for awhile! The commodore prime suit is for the operator and does look real nice! The tibor prime is nice but very .. \"volt\"ish. No, not late as this is still a valid thing but i dont pick up these things straight away, picked it up just before 22.18 landed so guess i\'ve been sitting on it for a week or 2. My glyph is now universal and the code \"ORIGINALWICKEDFUN\" claimable at warframe.com/promocode will now work on pc, xbox and ps4. Can easily claim it by going to the following URL: https://www.warframe.com/promocode?code=ORIGINALWICKEDFUN outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown) Official Warframe fan channel since 2014'
Tags: free , PS4 , operator , warframe , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation , xbox one , xbox , Warframe Gameplay , Digital Extremes , prime access , Warframe (Video Game) , Wickedfun , original wickedfun , Zephyr Prime , zephyr prime accessories , prime accessories , commodore prime suit , tibor prime armor , kavat armor , tibor prime , 90 day booster
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