'TV9 News: BSF Jawan\'s Video on Shocking Food Quality Goes Viral; Rajnath Singh Tweets....., ► Download TV9 Kannada Android App: https://goo.gl/OM6nPA ► Subscribe to Tv9 Kannada: https://youtube.com/tv9kannada ► Circle us on G+: https://plus.google.com/+tv9kannada ► Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/tv9kannada ► Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tv9kannada ► Follow us on Pinterest:https://www.pinterest.com/tv9karnataka I have seen a video regarding a BSF jawan\'s plight. I have asked the HS to immediately seek a report from the BSF & take appropriate action. Imagine how grave d situation wud b dat jawan Tej Bahadur Yadav has even put his job on line. Hope he gets compassion n not court martial.'
Tags: #India , #bsf , #videos , #nation , #TV9Live , #KannadaOnlineNews , #KannadaLiveNews , #Jawan , #BadFood , #PoorQualityFood , #JammuCamps , #BSFIG , #RajnathSingh , #ProbeOrdered , #ConstableTejBahadurYadav
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