'Go on rescues, learn about science, and have adventures with Blaze and the Monster Machines in this 60 minute compilation full of monster machine makeovers! #MakeoverMachines #MonsterTruck #VehiclesForKids #Compilation Subscribe for more Blaze and the Monster Machines: https://at.nick.com/BMMSubscribe Watch more Blaze and the Monster Machines: https://at.nick.com/BMMYouTube **ADVERTISEMENT** Watch Blaze and the Monster Machine full episodes FOR FREE on the Nick Jr. App. iTunes: https://at.nick.com/NickJrApp_iTunes Google: https://at.nick.com/NickJrAppGoogle Amazon: https://at.nick.com/NickJrAppAmazon You can also download premium apps featuring Blaze and the Monster Machines on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon: iTunes: https://at.nick.com/MoreNickJrApps_iTunes Google Play: https://at.nick.com/MoreNickJrAppsGoogle Amazon: https://at.nick.com/MoreNickJrAppsAmazon'
Tags: challenge , kids , build , video , kids education , kids entertainment , nickelodeon , nick jr , game , cartoons , engineering , fun for kids , cartoons for kids , Animated , makeover , speedy , kids toys , kids games , Games For Kids , ultimate rescue , STEM , blaze , Gaming Videos , preschool games , toy trucks , science games , blaze and the monster machines , fun to watch , interactive games , educational entertainment , racing videos , #monstertruck , #mathforkids , #vehiclesforkids , makeover machines , blaze makeover
See also: