'\'Can a BSF jawan work 10 hours on such food?\': Soldier posts horrifying videos of substandard food News24 always stay ahead in bringing current affairs from all the valley of National interest, Politics, Entertainment, Sports and International happenings. We take you to the depth of every matter by providing every small detail and makes you familiar with all the happening around you. SUBSCRIBE for more updates- News24 English Website-http://news24online.com News24 Hindi Website-http://hindi.news24online.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/News24page Follow News24 on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/news24channel Twitter: https://twitter.com/news24tvchannel Google+:https://plus.google.com/+News24channel'
Tags: Food , videos , soldier , Crime patrol , crime news , india tv , times now , dd , bsf , posts , Channels , Jawan , horrifying , Substandard , ibn7 , show savdhan , aaj tak abp Hindi
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