'The #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat. http://www.criticalbench.com/growth/psoas2 Here are SIX of the best core exercises for those dealing with back pain. These core exercises can be done using no equipment and no weights. Just you and the floor. Protecting the spine is a pretty important thing, especially for those of us suffering from tightness, stiffness, soreness and day to day aches from increased sitting and/or decreased activity. Do these SIX Core Exercise for a BAD BACK and get rid of back pain. If you do these moves routinely, you will absolutely start to see and feel a change in your midsection and in your back pain. Give yourself 30-60-90 days of movements like this to begin to see and feel results. Be sure to check out this channel for more core exercises and ab workouts once you are no longer a beginner :-) Depending on how severe your back pain is, some of these may still be too difficult for you. Remember, listen to your body. If it hurts, STOP! Be smart. Go see a professional for treatment. Thanks so much for watching the Critical Bench YouTube channel. Please leave us a comment or question below and don\'t forget to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more :) The #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat. http://www.criticalbench.com/growth/psoas2 #backpain #lowerback #physicaltherapy #coreworkout #strongerabs #spine #painfree #criticalbench #strongback #healthyback #lumbarspine #corestrength #abexercises #coreexercises #lowbackpain'
Tags: exercise , at home workout , stretching , pain , physical therapy , Bob and Brad , relief , stretching routine , sciatica , back pain , therapy , lower back pain , physical therapist , pain relief , criticalbench , low back pain , lower back workout , brian klepacki , neck pain , back pain exercises , yoga for back pain , low back , back pain relief exercises , back pain stretches , stretching for beginners , back pain relief , sciatica stretches , stretches for back pain , yoga for low back pain
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