'BUFF DUDES HAT! http://www.buffdudes.us/collections/all DIY DUKE\'s CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/diyduke Want a handy little exercise device you can take almost anywhere? This Abs Roller is cheap, easy to make and is our favorite abs exercise device. Try it out! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/buffdudes Instagram: http://instagram.com/buffdudes Twitter: http://twitter.com/buffdudes Blog: http://www.buffdudes.us Buff Dudes / DIY / How to the Best Home Abs Workout Tool for Exercises and Workout. Edited by: Hudson Starring: Duke, Brandon White Buff Dudes Logo Artwork by Brandon White Pixel Art By João Victor G. Costa - http://www.youtube.com/user/JinnDemonEvil Music in this video is used under license from the rights holder.'
Tags: home , Workout , home workout , exercise , muscle , exercises , Do It Yourself (Hobby) , sixpack , wheel , ab , roller , Buff Dudes , abs roller , buffdudes , dudes , buff , sixpac , Rollout , roller wheel
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