'Amazing Summer ABS Workout! Best Exercise for A Toned Core! are you ready for a killer abs workout? get ready to get fit for summer with this summer ready ab routine! you are going to tone your abs like crazy in this workout! get ready for a fit & healthy summer! xo Cambria Joy Instagram: @cambriajoy / Twitter @breelovesbeauty / Snapchat Cambria_Joy let me know how you liked this ab workout & if you want more fitness videos like this! I hope it helps you feel amazing for summer and confident NO matter what you look like, YOU are beautiful and strong ~ be proud of every part you you :) *disclaimer - I LOVE working out & this is my favorite routine for abs, although I am not a professional. please consult your doctor before doing this routine as you understand if you engage in this exercise, you agree that you do so at your own risk, assume all risk of injury to yourself. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8'
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , ab workout , exercise , Health , how to get abs fast , Christian , flat stomach , Jesus , tone it up , how to be healthy , cambria joy , how to start a healthy lifestyle , summer abs , summer abs workout , flat abs fast , get ready for summer , top tips for a tight tummy
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