'6 PACK ABS WORKOUT AT HOME | QUICK RESULTS | TOP 10 ABS | Rowan Row If you looking to get a 6 pack at home and you are not sure what exercises to do, give this one a try. This workout is designed for everyone out there and does not necessitate any gym equipment. You will get a nice shape abs in a very short period of time if you follow it on a daily basis. Reaches all your areas from your lower abs to your upper abs to your obliques. Thanks again for the constant support. Much love to you all and good luck with the plan. xo Exercises: 1. Basic crunch 2. Bicycle crunch 3. Lying leg raises 4. Leg scissors 5. Side crunch 6. Toe touches 7. Reverse crunch 8. Oblique crunch 9. Leg pushes 10. Curl up My Fitness app: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/rowan-row-fitness/id1521683735 My Fitness plans: https://www.rowanrow.com/fitness-plans Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/rowanrow My social media links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rowanrow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rowanrow Twitter: https://twitter.com/rowanrowrowan Website: https://www.rowanrow.com Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com'
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