'Tone your back, shoulders, butt, and abs with multiple plank variations in one workout. The best plank workout to carve your stomach and reveal your six-pack. This ultimate plank workout covers 30-second plank holds for 8 straight minutes of gut-wrenching moves. You’ll be feeling this one for days. ============================================== ➡️ READY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL? 10-MINUTE PLANK WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/LYvB7TwpC6E ============================================== ➡️ 12 MINUTE PLANK CORE WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/YpXRVO1AzSE ============================================== ➡️ 8-MINUTE NONSTOP LOWER ABS WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/ev8UjEyZIBo I love planks. There are few exercises that work the entire abdominal wall more completely than planks and plank variations. Today we’re celebrating all these plank variations by throwing quite a few of them at you… all in the same workout. I call it my “Ultimate Plank Challenge“. Sixteen 30-second plank holds resulting in 8 straight minutes of gut-wrenching fun. I did this one two days ago and am still feeling it! ======================================= ANOTHER WORKOUT YOU MIGHT ENJOY (20-MINUTE TOTAL-BODY WORKOUT WITH NO EQUIPMENT): https://youtu.be/nuSH56vENc8 ======================================= 10 WEEK TOTAL BODY HOME WORKOUT PLAN: https://toneandtightenstore.com/product/total-body-transformation/ ======================================= LOW CARB DINNERS COOKBOOK: https://toneandtightenstore.com/product/total-body-transformation/ ======================================= INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/tone_and_tighten FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/toneandtightenfitness PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/ToneandTighten/ ======================================= COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Favorite Resistance Band Loop Set: https://amzn.to/2CraOR9 Treatment Table I use: https://amzn.to/2FGYwXR Favorite Exercise Mat: https://amzn.to/2T2baEE Home Dumbbell Set: https://amzn.to/2FBSB7x Home Kettle Bell Set: https://amzn.to/2FDAWLP Best Resistance Band Set: https://amzn.to/2FFR3IC ======================================= WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DOING PLANKS? Plank position is a simple, yet effective, exercise that is quick and easy to do, engages multiple muscle groups, and brings great benefits. If you regularly do planks, you’ll benefit from strengthening your abdominal muscles for a toned belly, flat stomach, six-pack abs and a stronger inner core. With proper form, you’ll find that planks strengthen your back muscles to build a stronger core to get rid of back pain and help with better posture. Planks also help you increase your flexibility, balance, and muscle endurance. WHAT MUSCLES ARE USED IN PLANK POSITION? When you are performing planks, you are engaging many muscle groups throughout your entire body including your back, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, butt, legs and neck. Plank position also works muscles around your shoulders, collarbone, shoulder blades, hamstrings and even the arches of your feet. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I DO PLANK POSITION? Plank position is a great core and ab workout. If your goal is to get a six-pack, plank position is a beneficial exercise that will get you an incredible, sculpted midsection. Plan on including an ab workout, such as planks, about 2-3 times per week. When you choose exercises for your ab workout routine, choose a variety of core exercises to work your abs, not just crunches and planks. Now to the workout. All you need is a stopwatch and a little space. We’re going to be switching up primarily between straight planks and side planks; try to keep your body up the whole time (don’t ever let it relax – just go straight in to the next exercise). Straight Plank Pike Plank Side Plank Left Side Plank Right Spiderman Plank Up-Down Plank Side Plank Left Side Plank Right'
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