'RC monster trucks are awesome!!! In this fun episode, we get to play and explore with remote control trucks! My friends Chris and Gemma from PNWRCmadness meet me at the park to show me their awesome trucks! I had so much fun learning about these small machines! They can do so many cool tricks and they’re super fast too! Thank you so much, Chris and Gemma! These RC trucks remind me of the monster trucks! So we have to listen to that song at the end of this fun adventure! It’s such a fun song, my big brother Blake helped me write it! I hope you enjoy it! Check out Chris and his RC vehicles: https://www.youtube.com/c/pnwRCMADNESS #montertrucks #monstertruck #rccar'
Tags: Learning , youtube kids , educational , videos for kids , singing , toddlers , dancing , homeschool , monster trucks , children videos , sing-a-long , Safe Videos , monster truck song , brecky breck , brecky , breck , breck johnson
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